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Sport, Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

 Annie Constable

Annie Constable

PhD Student

 Baring Court BC 135


Baring Court, University of Exeter St Luke's Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK


I joined the Children's Health and Exercise Research Centre (CHERC) in 2019, after completing my MSc 2017/18 in Sport and Health Sciences at University of Exeter.

My PhD focuses on physical activity, nutrition and musculoskeletal health in childhood and adolescence. This PhD project in is collaboration with University of Eastern Finland, working with the Physical Activity and Nutrition in Childhood (PANIC) study, which is an ongoing longitudinal study in a population sample of Finnish children.

I am involved in teaching on the BSc Sport and Health Sciences programme, and have taught on Paediatric Exercise Physiology, Human Physiology and Introduction to Statistics.


MSc in Sport and Health Sciences (Distinction) - University of Exeter

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Journal articles

Constable A, Vlachopoulos D, Barker A, Moore S, Soininen S, Haapala E, Väist J, Westgate K, Brage S, Mahonen A, et al (In Press). The independent and interactive associations of physical activity intensity and vitamin D status with bone mineral density in prepubertal children: the PANIC Study. Osteoporosis International
Skinner AM, Vlachopoulos D, Barker AR, Moore SA, Rowlands AV, Soininen S, Haapala EA, Väistö J, Westgate K, Brage S, et al (2023). Physical activity volume and intensity distribution in relation to bone, lean and fat mass in children. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 33(3), 267-282. Abstract.  Author URL.
Constable A, Vlachopoulos D, Barker A (2022). The Mediating Role of Endocrine Factors in the Positive Relationship Between Fat Mass and Bone Mineral Content in Children Aged 9–11 Years: the Physical Activity and Nutrition in Children Study. Frontiers in Endocrinology Abstract.

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