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Sport, Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

 Jack Evans

Jack Evans

PhD Student

 Richards Building RB 02


Richard's Building, University of Exeter, St Luke's Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK


Jack Evans is a Ph.D. Student in Sport and Health Science, specialising in Healthcare Technology. His research focuses on the use of VR as an assessment tool for upper-limb impairments following Stroke. He uses Unity 3D to create virtual environments and aims to use these to augment assessments of function and to help classify impairment levels - with a particular focus on home-based assessment.


Jack achieved a BSc in Psychology from the University of Plymouth in 2015, where he used ERPs to assess facial recognition in the context of eye-witness testimony. Jack achieved an MSc in Computational Neuroscience and Cognitive Robotics from the University of Birmingham (UK) in 2017, examining how virtual reality and motion capture can be used to classify impaired and normal target-reaching movements. Following the completion of his masters degree, he stayed in Birmingham and took up a position as a research assistant in the Sensory Motor Neuroscience lab at the University of Birmingham, working with Prof. Alan Wing. In September 2019 he was awarded funding by the EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership and began his Ph.D. in Sport and Health Sciences at the University of Exeter.

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