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Sport, Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

Professor Mark Wilson

Professor Mark Wilson

Head of Department, Public Health & Sport Sciences


 Richards Building 14


Richard's Building, University of Exeter, St Luke's Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK


I am a professor in psychology, with an applied and theoretical interest in understanding the cognitive and emotional processes that underpin skill acquisition and performance under pressure. I have published over 170 research articles on these topics; supervised 20 PhD students to completion; attracted funding from a variety of sources across UKRI, industry, charities; and work as an applied psychologist in elite sport.  I joined Sport and Health Sciences in 2006, was promoted to chair in 2017 and was director of research (2018-2020) and head of department (2020-2022). I am currently head of department for Public Health and Sports Sciences, one of three departments in the Medical School.


2001-2006 PhD. Manchester Metropolitan University            
2003-2005 PGCE(HE). Manchester Metropolitan University 
2000-2001 M.Sc. (Distinction) Sport and Exercise Science (Psychology). Manchester Metropolitan University
1991-1995 M.Eng. (1st Class) Engineering Manufacture and Management. UMIST (Manchester University)


05/17 –  Professor, performance psychology, SHS, University of Exeter.
06/13 – 04/17  Associate professor, psychology, SHS, University of Exeter.
06/09 – 05/13 Senior lecturer, psychology, SHS, University of Exeter.
09/06 – 05/09 Lecturer, psychology, Sport & Health Sciences (SHS), University of Exeter.
09/04 – 08/06

Research associate, Neural and Visual Control of Movement Research Line,

Institute for Biophysical and Clinical Research into Human Movement, Manchester Metropolitan University.

09/01 – 08/04

Lecturer, sport psychology, Department of Exercise and Sport Science,

Manchester Metropolitan University.

09/95 – 08/98

Project manager and production engineer, Birds Eye Wall’s, Unilever Ltd.

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Research interests

As an applied cognitive psychologist, I develop and test theory (e.g., Attentional Control Theory: Sport, Eysenck & Wilson, 2016); examine mechanisms underpinning learning and performance under pressure; and perform trials to test the efficacy of technology or training innovations in groups where impairments may be problematic (e.g., sports performers, military operators, surgeons, clinical groups). My research group is known for their expertise in using technology (eye tracking, psychophysiological measures, virtual reality) to both provide insights into ‘hidden’ cognitive states (e.g., flow, challenge mindset, anxiety, attention), and innovative training solutions (e.g., via feed forward eye movement training in VR).

Research projects

A project grant from the ESRC (2009) and a Fellowship from the Department of Business and Innovation (2010) initiated work applying my early findings in sport into surgical contexts (stress, virtual reality, skill learning). Most of my subsequent research funding at Exeter (~£3m since 2012) has tested training solutions in Defence and Security contexts, via various DSTL frameworks (with colleagues Sam Vine and David Harris). This partnership with Dstl was highlighted as a case study in the government’s 2020 UK R&D Roadmap document (P16). An additional funding stream has explored the experience of anxiety (about falling) and training in clinical groups (e.g., from Parkinson’s UK) with colleague Will Young.


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Williams CA, Wilson MR (2021). Foreword.
Groome D, Eysenck MW, Baker K, Bull R, Edgar G, Edgar H, Heathcote D, Kemp R, Law R, Loveday C, et al (2016). An introduction to: Applied cognitive psychology. Abstract.

Journal articles

Harris D, Bird J, Smart P, Wilson M, Vine S (In Press). A framework for the testing and validation of simulated environments in experimentation and training. Frontiers in Psychology
Harris D, Arthur T, Broadbent D, Wilson M, Vine S, Runswick O (In Press). An active inference account of skilled anticipation in sport: Using computational models to formalise theory and generate new hypotheses. Sports Medicine Abstract.
Harris D, Wilson M, Jones M, de Burgh T, Mundy D, Arthur T, Olonilua M, Vine S (In Press). An investigation of feed-forward and feed-back eye movement training in immersive virtual reality. Journal of Eye Movement Research
Harris D, Arthur T, Wilson M, Vine S (In Press). Attention computing for enhanced visuomotor skill performance: Testing the effectiveness of gaze-adaptive cues in virtual reality golf putting. Multimedia Tools and Applications
Harris D, Wilson M, Vine S, Arthur T, Brock K (In Press). Can cognitive training capitalise on near transfer effects? No evidence of transfer following online inhibition training in a randomised-controlled trial. PLoS ONE Abstract.
Harris D, Wilson M, Vine S (In Press). Development and validation of a simulation workload measure: the simulation task load index (SIM-TLX). Virtual Reality
Harris D, Buckingham G, Wilson M, Brookes J, Mushtaq F, Mon-Williams M, Vine S (In Press). Exploring sensorimotor performance and user experience within a virtual reality golf putting simulator. Virtual Reality
Thomas GL, Wilson MR (In Press). Introducing children to rugby: Elite coaches’ perspectives on positive player development. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise & Health Abstract.
Harris D, Arthur T, Vine S, Wilson M (In Press). The effect of performance pressure and error-feedback on anxiety and performance in an interceptive task. Frontiers in Psychology
Harris D, Wilson M, Vine S (In Press). The functional role of visual information and fixation stillness in the quiet eye. PLoS ONE Abstract.
Harris DJ, Vine S, Eysenck M, Wilson M (In Press). To err again is human: exploring a bidirectional relationship between pressure and performance failure feedback. Anxiety, Stress and Coping
Harris DJ, Allen KL, Vine SJ, Wilson MR (2023). A systematic review and meta-analysis of the relationship between flow states and performance. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 16(1), 693-721. Abstract.
Arthur T, Loveland-Perkins T, Williams C, Harris D, Wilson M, de Burgh T, Dhanda J, Vine S (2023). Examining the validity and fidelity of a virtual reality simulator for basic life support training. BMC Digital Health, 1(1).
Kelly AL, Williams CA, Jackson DT, Turnnidge J, Reeves MJ, Dugdale JH, Wilson MR (2023). Exploring the role of socioeconomic status and psychological characteristics on talent development in an English soccer academy. Sci Med Footb Abstract.  Author URL.
Harris DJ, Arthur T, Kearse J, Olonilua M, Hassan EK, De Burgh TC, Wilson MR, Vine SJ (2023). Exploring the role of virtual reality in military decision training. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 4
Arthur T, Brosnan M, Harris D, Buckingham G, Wilson M, Williams G, Vine S (2023). Investigating how Explicit Contextual Cues Affect Predictive Sensorimotor Control in Autistic Adults. J Autism Dev Disord, 53(11), 4368-4381. Abstract.  Author URL.
Arthur T, Vine S, Buckingham G, Brosnan M, Wilson M, Harris D (2023). Testing predictive coding theories of autism spectrum disorder using models of active inference. PLoS Comput Biol, 19(9). Abstract.  Author URL.
Harris D, Vine S, Wilson M, Arthur T (2023). The Relationship Between Environmental Statistics and Predictive Gaze Behaviour During a Manual Interception Task: Eye Movements as Active Inference. Computational Brain & Behavior, 7(2), 225-241. Abstract.
Ellmers TJ, Wilson MR, Kal EC, Young WR (2023). The perceived control model of falling: developing a unified framework to understand and assess maladaptive fear of falling. Age Ageing, 52(7). Abstract.  Author URL.
Williams C, Kelly A, Cook R, Jimenez Saiz SL, Wilson M (2022). A Multidisciplinary Investigation into the Talent Development Processes at an English Football Academy: a Machine Learning Approach. Sports, 10 Abstract.
Słowiński PM, Grindley B, Muncie H, Harris D, Vine SJ, Wilson M (2022). Assessment of cognitive biases in Augmented Reality: Beyond eye tracking. Abstract.
Ellmers T, Wilson M, Norris M, Young W (2022). Protective or harmful? a qualitative exploration of older people’s perceptions of worries about falling. Age and Ageing
Ellmers TJ, Wilson MR, Kal EC, Young WR (2022). Standing up to threats: Translating the two-system model of fear to balance control in older adults. Experimental Gerontology, 158, 111647-111647.
Harris DJ, Arthur T, Vine SJ, Liu J, Abd Rahman HR, Han F, Wilson MR (2022). Task-evoked pupillary responses track precision-weighted prediction errors and learning rate during interceptive visuomotor actions. Scientific Reports, 12(1). Abstract.
Swainston S, Wilson M, Jones M (2021). "It's all about opportunity": from professional contract to first team regular. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology
Harris D, Arthur T, Broadbent D, Wilson M, Vine SJ, Runswick O (2021). An active inference account of skilled anticipation in sport. Abstract.
Arthur T, Harris D, Buckingham G, Brosnan M, Wilson M, Williams G, Vine S (2021). An examination of active inference in autistic adults using immersive virtual reality. Sci Rep, 11(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Harris DJ, Hardcastle KJ, Wilson MR, Vine SJ (2021). Assessing the learning and transfer of gaze behaviours in immersive virtual reality. Virtual Reality, 25(4), 961-973. Abstract.
Roberts JW, Lawrence GP, Welsh TN, Wilson MR (2021). Does high state anxiety exacerbate distractor interference?. Hum Mov Sci, 76 Abstract.  Author URL.
Cooper KB, Wilson MR, Jones MI (2021). Fast talkers? Investigating the influence of self-talk on mental toughness and finish times in 800-meter runners. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 33(5), 491-509. Abstract.
Xu S, Sun G, Wilson MR (2021). Neurophysiological evidence of how quiet eye supports motor performance. Cogn Process, 22(4), 641-648. Abstract.  Author URL.
Harris DJ, Vine SJ, Eysenck MW, Wilson MR (2021). Psychological pressure and compounded errors during elite-level tennis. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 56, 101987-101987.
Mathew RK, Mushtaq F, Ahmed S, Ahmed K, Anderton LK, Arnab S, Awais M, Badger JR, Bajwa KS, Baraas RC, et al (2021). Three principles for the progress of immersive technologies in healthcare training and education. BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning, 7(5), 459-460.
Arthur T, Harris D, Allen K, Naylor C, Wood G, Vine S, Wilson M, Tsaneva-Atanasova K, Buckingham G (2021). Visuo-motor attention during object interaction in children with developmental coordination disorder. Cortex Abstract.  Author URL.
Cooper KB, Wilson MR, Jones MI (2020). A 3000-mile tour of mental toughness: an autoethnographic exploration of mental toughness intra-individual variability in endurance sport. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 18(5), 607-621. Abstract.
Harris D, Wilson M, Vine SJ (2020). A critical analysis of the functional parameters of the quiet eye using immersive virtual reality. Abstract.
Kelly A, Wilson MR, Jackson DT, Goldman DE, Turnnidge J, Côté J, Williams CA (2020). A multidisciplinary investigation into “playing-up” in academy football according to age phase. Journal of Sports Sciences, 39(8), 854-864.
Parakkal Unni M, Menon PP, Wilson MR, Tsaneva-Atanasova K (2020). Ankle Push-off Based Mathematical Model for Freezing of Gait in Parkinson’s Disease. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 8, 1197-1197.
Parakkal Unni M, Menon PP, Livi L, Wilson MR, Young WR, Bronte-Stewart HM, Tsaneva-Atanasova K (2020). Data-Driven Prediction of Freezing of Gait Events from Stepping Data. Frontiers in Medical Technology, 2, 581264-581264. Abstract.
Harris DJ, Wilson MR, Crowe EM, Vine SJ (2020). Examining the roles of working memory and visual attention in multiple object tracking expertise. Cognitive Processing, 21(2), 209-222. Abstract.
Harris D, Wilson M, Holmes T, de Burgh T, Vine SJ (2020). Eye movements in sports research and practice: Immersive technologies as optimal environments for the study of gaze behaviour. Abstract.
Crowe EM, Moore LJ, Harris DJ, Wilson MR, Vine SJ (2020). In-task auditory performance-related feedback promotes cardiovascular markers of a challenge state during a pressurized task. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 33(5), 497-510.
Swainston SC, Wilson MR, Jones MI (2020). Player Experience During the Junior to Senior Transition in Professional Football: a Longitudinal Case Study. Front Psychol, 11 Abstract.  Author URL.
Kelly AL, Wilson MR, Jackson DT, Turnnidge J, Williams CA (2020). Speed of Thought and Speed of Feet: Examining Perceptual-Cognitive Expertise and Physical Performance in an English Football Academy. Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise, 3(1), 88-97. Abstract.
Kelly A, Wilson MR, Jackson DT, Williams CA (2020). Technical testing and match analysis statistics as part of the talent development process in an English football academy. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 20(6), 1035-1051.
Harris DJ, Wilson MR, Smith SJR, Meder N, Vine SJ (2020). Testing the Effects of 3D Multiple Object Tracking Training on Near, Mid and Far Transfer. Frontiers in Psychology, 11
Uiga L, Capio CM, Ryu D, Young WR, Wilson MR, Wong TWL, Tse ACY, Masters RSW (2020). The Role of Movement-Specific Reinvestment in Visuomotor Control of Walking by Older Adults. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci, 75(2), 282-292. Abstract.  Author URL.
Harris D, Hardcastle K, Wilson M, Vine SJ (2020). The development of visual search behaviours in immersive virtual reality. Abstract.
Harris DJ, Buckingham G, Wilson MR, Brookes J, Mushtaq F, Mon-Williams M, Vine SJ (2020). The effect of a virtual reality environment on gaze behaviour and motor skill learning. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 50, 101721-101721.
Harris D, Wilson M, Vine SJ (2020). The effect of crowd removal on goal scoring in professional football. Abstract.
Cooper KB, Wilson MR, Jones MI (2020). The impact of sleep on mental toughness: Evidence from observational and N-of-1 manipulation studies in athletes. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 9(3), 308-321. Abstract.
Uiga L, Poolton JM, Capio CM, Wilson MR, Ryu D, Masters RSW (2020). The role of conscious processing of movements during balance by young and older adults. Hum Mov Sci, 70 Abstract.  Author URL.
Maslivec A, Fielding A, Wilson M, Norris M, Young W (2020). ‘Recoupling’ the attentional and motor control of preparatory postural adjustments to overcome Freezing of Gait in Parkinson’s. Abstract.
Maslivec A, Fielding A, Wilson M, Norris M, Young W (2020). ‘Recoupling’ the attentional and motor control of preparatory postural adjustments to overcome Freezing of Gait in Parkinson’s. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 17
Kelly AL, Wilson MR, Gough LA, Knapman H, Morgan P, Cole M, Jackson DT, Williams CA (2019). A longitudinal investigation into the relative age effect in an English professional football club: exploring the ‘underdog hypothesis’. Science and Medicine in Football, 4(2), 111-118.
Payne KL, Wilson MR, Vine SJ (2019). A systematic review of the anxiety-attention relationship in far-aiming skills. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 12(1), 325-355. Abstract.
Cooper KB, Wilson M, Jones MI (2019). An Exploratory Case Study of Mental Toughness Variability and Potential Influencers over 30 Days. Sports (Basel), 7(7). Abstract.  Author URL.
Harris DJ, Vine SJ, Wilson MR (2019). An external focus of attention promotes flow experience during simulated driving. Eur J Sport Sci, 19(6), 824-833. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brimmell J, Parker J, Wilson MR, Vine SJ, Moore LJ (2019). Challenge and threat states, performance, and attentional control during a pressurized soccer penalty task. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 8(1), 63-79. Abstract.
Harris D, Wilson M, Vine SJ (2019). Development and validation of a simulation workload measure: the Simulation Task Load Index (SIM-TLX). Abstract.
Arthur TG, Wilson MR, Moore LJ, Wylie LJ, Vine SJ (2019). Examining the effect of challenge and threat states on endurance exercise capabilities. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 44, 51-59. Abstract.
Słowiński P, Baldemir H, Wood G, Alizadehkhaiyat O, Coyles G, Vine S, Williams G, Tsaneva-Atanasova K, Wilson M (2019). Gaze training supports self-organization of movement coordination in children with developmental coordination disorder. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 1712-1712. Abstract.  Author URL.
Harris DJ, Wilson MR, Buckingham G, Vine SJ (2019). No effect of transcranial direct current stimulation of frontal, motor or visual cortex on performance of a self-paced visuomotor skill. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 43, 368-373. Abstract.
Moore LJ, Harris DJ, Sharpe BT, Vine SJ, Wilson MR (2019). Perceptual-cognitive expertise when refereeing the scrum in rugby union. Journal of Sports Sciences, 37(15), 1778-1786. Abstract.
Harris DJ, Buckingham G, Wilson MR, Vine SJ (2019). Virtually the same? How impaired sensory information in virtual reality may disrupt vision for action. Exp Brain Res, 237(11), 2761-2766. Abstract.  Author URL.
Harris D, Buckingham G, Wilson M, Vine SJ (2019). Virtually the same? How impaired sensory information in virtual reality may disrupt visually-guided action. Abstract.
Parr JVV, Vine SJ, Wilson MR, Harrison NR, Wood G (2019). Visual attention, EEG alpha power and T7-Fz connectivity are implicated in prosthetic hand control and can be optimized through gaze training. J Neuroeng Rehabil, 16(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Harris DJ, Vine SJ, Wilson MR, McGrath JS, LeBel M-E, Buckingham G (2018). A randomised trial of observational learning from 2D and 3D models in robotically assisted surgery. Surg Endosc, 32(11), 4527-4532. Abstract.  Author URL.
Harris DJ, Wilson MR, Vine SJ (2018). A systematic review of commercial cognitive training devices: Implications for use in sport. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(MAY). Abstract.
Harris DJ, Vine SJ, Wilson MR, McGrath JS, LeBel ME, Buckingham G (2018). Action observation for sensorimotor learning in surgery. British Journal of Surgery, 105(13), 1713-1720. Abstract.
Roberts JW, Wilson MR, Skultety JK, Lyons JL (2018). Examining the effect of state anxiety on compensatory and strategic adjustments in the planning of goal-directed aiming. Acta Psychol (Amst), 185, 33-40. Abstract.  Author URL.
Walters-Symons R, Wilson M, Klostermann A, Vine S (2018). Examining the response programming function of the Quiet Eye: Do tougher shots need a quieter eye?. Cognitive Processing, 19(1), 47-52. Abstract.
Wilson MR, Webb A, Wylie LJ, Vine SJ (2018). The quiet eye is sensitive to exercise-induced physiological stress. , 240, 35-52. Abstract.
Uiga L, Capio CM, Ryu D, Wilson MR, Masters RSW (2018). The role of conscious control in maintaining stable posture. Hum Mov Sci, 57, 442-450. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wood G, Miles CAL, Coyles G, Alizadehkhaiyat O, Vine SJ, Vickers JN, Wilson MR (2017). A randomized controlled trial of a group-based gaze training intervention for children with Developmental Coordination Disorder. PLoS One, 12(2). Abstract.  Author URL.
Ducrocq E, Wilson M, Smith TJ, Derakshan N (2017). Adaptive working memory training reduces the negative impact of anxiety on competitive motor performance. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 39(6), 412-422. Abstract.
Wood G, Vine SJ, Parr J, Wilson MR (2017). Aiming to Deceive: Examining the Role of the Quiet Eye During Deceptive Aiming Actions. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 39(5), 327-338. Abstract.  Author URL.
Vine SJ, Lee DH, Walters-Symons R, Wilson MR (2017). An occlusion paradigm to assess the importance of the timing of the quiet eye fixation. Eur J Sport Sci, 17(1), 85-92. Abstract.  Author URL.
Harris DJ, Vine SJ, Wilson MR (2017). Flow and quiet eye: the role of attentional control in flow experience. Cogn Process, 18(3), 343-347. Abstract.  Author URL.
Jones MI, Wilson MR (2017). Great British medalists: a commentary based on a developmental systems theory perspective. , 232, 175-179. Abstract.
Harris DJ, Vine SJ, Wilson MR (2017). Is flow really effortless? the complex role of effortful attention. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 6(1), 103-114. Abstract.
Harris DJ, Vine SJ, Wilson MR (2017). Neurocognitive mechanisms of the flow state. , 234, 221-243. Abstract.
Miles CAL, Wood G, Vine SJ, Vickers JN, Wilson MR (2017). Quiet eye training aids the long-term learning of throwing and catching in children: Preliminary evidence for a predictive control strategy. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(1), 100-108. Abstract.
Harris DJ, Vine SJ, Wilson MR, McGrath JS, LeBel M-E, Buckingham G (2017). The effect of observing novice and expert performance on acquisition of surgical skills on a robotic platform. PLoS One, 12(11). Abstract.  Author URL.
Sammy N, Anstiss PA, Moore LJ, Freeman P, Wilson MR, Vine SJ (2017). The effects of arousal reappraisal on stress responses, performance and attention. Anxiety Stress Coping, 30(6), 619-629. Abstract.  Author URL.
Walters-Symons RM, Wilson MR, Vine SJ (2017). The quiet eye supports error recovery in golf putting. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 31, 21-27. Abstract.
Vine SJ, Moore LJ, Wilson MR (2016). An Integrative Framework of Stress, Attention, and Visuomotor Performance. Front Psychol, 7 Abstract.  Author URL.
Jie LJ, Goodwin V, Kleynen M, Braun S, Nunns M, Wilson MR (2016). Analogy learning in Parkinson’s; as easy as a walk on the beach: a proof-of-concept study. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation Abstract.
Thomas GL, Coles T, Wilson MR (2016). Exploring mini rugby union coaches’ perceptions of competitive activities. Sports Coaching Review, 6(1), 94-107.
Roberts MJ, Gale TCE, McGrath JS, Wilson MR (2016). Rising to the challenge: acute stress appraisals and selection centre performance in applicants to postgraduate specialty training in anaesthesia. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 21(2), 323-339. Abstract.
Sun G, Zhang L, Vine SJ, Wilson MR (2016). The Quiet Eye Provides Preplanning and Online Control Support for Interceptive Task Performance. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 38(5), 458-469. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ducrocq E, Wilson M, Vine S, Derakshan N (2016). Training Attentional Control Improves Cognitive and Motor Task Performance. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 38(5), 521-533. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wood G, Hartley G, Furley PA, Wilson MR (2016). Working Memory Capacity, Visual Attention and Hazard Perception in Driving. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 5(4), 454-462. Abstract.
Wood G, Vine SJ, Wilson MR (2016). Working memory capacity, controlled attention and aiming performance under pressure. Psychol Res, 80(4), 510-517. Abstract.  Author URL.
Uiga L, Cheng KC, Wilson MR, Masters RSW, Capio CM (2015). Acquiring visual information for locomotion by older adults: a systematic review. Ageing Res Rev, 20, 24-34. Abstract.  Author URL.
Malhotra N, Poolton JM, Wilson MR, Omuro S, Masters RSW (2015). Dimensions of movement specific reinvestment in practice of a golf putting task. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 18, 1-8. Abstract.
Malhotra N, Poolton JM, Wilson MR, Uiga L, Masters RSW (2015). Examining movement-specific reinvestment and performance in demanding contexts. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 37(3), 327-338. Abstract.
Malhotra N, Poolton JM, Wilson MR, Leung G, Zhu F, Fan JKM, Masters RSW (2015). Exploring personality dimensions that influence practice and performance of a simulated laparoscopic task in the objective structured clinical examination. Journal of Surgical Education, 72(4), 662-669. Abstract.
Vine SJ, Uiga L, Lavric A, Moore LJ, Tsaneva-Atanasova K, Wilson MR (2015). Individual reactions to stress predict performance during a critical aviation incident. Anxiety Stress Coping, 28(4), 467-477. Abstract.  Author URL.
Uiga L, Capio CM, Wong TWL, Wilson MR, Masters RSW (2015). Movement specific reinvestment and allocation of attention by older adults during walking. Cogn Process, 16 Suppl 1, 421-424. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kleynen M, Braun SM, Rasquin SMC, Bleijlevens MHC, Lexis MAS, Halfens J, Wilson MR, Masters RSW, Beurskens AJ (2015). Multidisciplinary Views on Applying Explicit and Implicit Motor Learning in Practice: an International Survey. PLoS One, 10(8). Abstract.  Author URL.
Wood G, Jordet G, Wilson MR (2015). On winning the “lottery”: psychological preparation for football penalty shoot-outs. Journal of Sports Sciences, 33(17), 1758-1765. Abstract.
Thomas GL, Wilson MR (2015). Playing by the rules: a developmentally appropriate introduction to rugby union. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 10(2-3), 413-423. Abstract.
Miles CAL, Wood G, Vine SJ, Vickers JN, Wilson MR (2015). Quiet eye training facilitates visuomotor coordination in children with developmental coordination disorder. Res Dev Disabil, 40, 31-41. Abstract.  Author URL.
Moore LJ, Vine SJ, Wilson MR, Freeman P (2015). Reappraising Threat: How to Optimize Performance Under Pressure. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 37(3), 339-343. Abstract.  Author URL.
Moore LJ, Wilson MR, Waine E, McGrath JS, Masters RSW, Vine SJ (2015). Robotically assisted laparoscopy benefits surgical performance under stress. Journal of Robotic Surgery, 9(4), 277-284. Abstract.
Moore LJ, Wilson MR, McGrath JS, Waine E, Masters RSW, Vine SJ (2015). Surgeons’ display reduced mental effort and workload while performing robotically assisted surgical tasks, when compared to conventional laparoscopy. Surgical Endoscopy, 29(9), 2553-2560. Abstract.
Roy S, Hammond J, Panish J, Shnoda P, Savidge S, Wilson M (2015). Time Savings and Surgery Task Load Reduction in Open Intraperitoneal Onlay Mesh Fixation Procedure. ScientificWorldJournal, 2015 Abstract.  Author URL.
Vine SJ, McGrath JS, Bright E, Dutton T, Clark J, Wilson MR (2014). Assessing visual control during simulated and live operations: gathering evidence for the content validity of simulation using eye movement metrics. Surg Endosc, 28(6), 1788-1793. Abstract.  Author URL.
Malhotra N, Poolton JM, Wilson MR, Fan JKM, Masters RSW (2014). Conscious motor processing and movement self-consciousness: two dimensions of personality that influence laparoscopic training. J Surg Educ, 71(6), 798-804. Abstract.  Author URL.
Moore LJ, Vine SJ, Wilson MR, Freeman P (2014). Examining the antecedents of challenge and threat states: the influence of perceived required effort and support availability. Int J Psychophysiol, 93(2), 267-273. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wood G, Batt J, Appelboam A, Harris A, Wilson MR (2014). Exploring the impact of expertise, clinical history, and visual search on electrocardiogram interpretation. Med Decis Making, 34(1), 75-83. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kleynen M, Wilson MR, Jie L-J, te Lintel Hekkert F, Goodwin VA, Braun SM (2014). Exploring the utility of analogies in motor learning after stroke: a feasibility study. Int J Rehabil Res, 37(3), 277-280. Abstract.  Author URL.
Moore LJ, Vine SJ, Smith AN, Smith SJ, Wilson MR (2014). Quiet eye training improves small arms maritime marksmanship. Military Psychology, 26(5-6), 355-365. Abstract.
Miles CAL, Vine SJ, Wood G, Vickers JN, Wilson MR (2014). Quiet eye training improves throw and catch performance in children. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15(5), 511-515. Abstract.
Vine SJ, Moore LJ, Wilson MR (2014). Quiet eye training: the acquisition, refinement and resilient performance of targeting skills. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPORT SCIENCE, 14, S235-S242.  Author URL.
Vine SJ, Moore LJ, Wilson MR (2014). Quiet eye training: the acquisition, refinement and resilient performance of targeting skills. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPORT SCIENCE, 14, S235-S242.  Author URL.
Moore LJ, Wilson MR, Waine E, Masters RSW, McGrath JS, Vine SJ (2014). Robotic technology results in faster and more robust surgical skill acquisition than traditional laparoscopy. Journal of Robotic Surgery
Kleynen M, Braun SM, Bleijlevens MH, Lexis MA, Rasquin SM, Halfens J, Wilson MR, Beurskens AJ, Masters RSW (2014). Using a Delphi technique to seek consensus regarding definitions, descriptions and classification of terms related to implicit and explicit forms of motor learning. PLoS One, 9(6). Abstract.  Author URL.
Bright E, Vine SJ, Dutton T, Wilson MR, McGrath JS (2014). Visual control strategies of surgeons: a novel method of establishing the construct validity of a transurethral resection of the prostate surgical simulator. Journal of Surgical Education, 71(3), 434-439. Abstract.
Malhotra N, Poolton JM, Wilson MR, Masters RSW (2013). An implicit bias in error management. Annals of Surgery
Moore LJ, Wilson MR, Vine SJ, Coussens AH, Freeman P (2013). Champ or Chump?: Challenge and Threat States During Pressurized Competition. JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY, 35(6), 551-562.  Author URL.
Vine SJ, Freeman P, Moore LJ, Chandra-Ramanan R, Wilson MR (2013). Evaluating stress as a challenge is associated with superior attentional control and motor skill performance: testing the predictions of the biopsychosocial model of challenge and threat. J Exp Psychol Appl, 19(3), 185-194. Abstract.  Author URL.
Vine SJ, Chaytor RJ, McGrath JS, Masters RSW, Wilson MR (2013). Gaze training improves the retention and transfer of laparoscopic technical skills in novices. Surg Endosc, 27(9), 3205-3213. Abstract.  Author URL.
Vine SJ, Lee D, Moore LJ, Wilson MR (2013). Quiet eye and choking: online control breaks down at the point of performance failure. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 45(10), 1988-1994. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wilson MR, Miles CAL, Vine SJ, Vickers JN (2013). Quiet eye distinguishes children of high and low motor coordination abilities. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 45(6), 1144-1151. Abstract.  Author URL.
Moore LJ, Vine SJ, Freeman P, Wilson MR (2013). Quiet eye training promotes challenge appraisals and aids performance under elevated anxiety. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Vine SJ, Moore LJ, Cooke A, Ring C, Wilson MR (2013). Quiet eye training: a means to implicit motor learning. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT PSYCHOLOGY, 44(4), 367-386.  Author URL.
Kleynen M, Bleijlevens MHC, Beurskens AJHM, Rasquin SM, Halfens J, Wilson MR, Masters RSW, Lexis MA, Braun SM (2013). Terminology, taxonomy and facilitation of motor learning in clinical practice: Design of a Delphi study. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR): Research Protocols, 2(1). Abstract.
Wood G, Vine SJ, Wilson MR (2013). The impact of visual illusions on perception, action planning, and motor performance. Atten Percept Psychophys, 75(5), 830-834. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wood G, Knapp KM, Rock B, Cousens C, Roobottom C, Wilson MR (2013). Visual expertise in detecting and diagnosing skeletal fractures. Skeletal Radiology, 42(2), 165-172. Abstract.
Wood G, Knapp KM, Rock B, Cousens C, Roobottom C, Wilson MR (2013). Visual expertise in detecting and diagnosing skeletal fractures. Skeletal Radiol, 42(2), 165-172. Abstract.  Author URL.
Vine SJ, Masters RSW, McGrath JS, Bright E, Wilson MR (2013). You can't beat experience, but you can cheat it. Surgery, 153(2).  Author URL.
Vine SJ, Masters RSW, McGrath JS, Bright E, Wilson MR (2012). Cheating experience: Guiding novices to adopt the gaze strategies of experts expedites the learning of technical laparoscopic skills. Surgery (United States), 152(1), 32-40. Abstract.
Vine SJ, Masters RSW, McGrath JS, Bright E, Wilson MR (2012). Cheating experience: Guiding novices to adopt the gaze strategies of experts expedites the learning of technical laparoscopic skills. Surgery, 152(1), 32-40. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wilson M, Malhotra N, Poolton J, Masters R (2012). Clarifying Assumptions about Intraoperative Stress during Surgical Performance: More Than a Stab in the Dark: Reply. World J Surg, 36(2), 481-482.
Malhotra N, Poolton JM, Wilson MR, Ngo K, Masters RSW (2012). Conscious monitoring and control (reinvestment) in surgical performance under pressure. Surgical Endoscopy, 26(9), 2423-2429. Abstract.
Malhotra N, Poolton JM, Wilson MR, Ngo K, Masters RSW (2012). Conscious monitoring and control (reinvestment) in surgical performance under pressure. Surg Endosc, 26(9), 2423-2429. Abstract.  Author URL.
Malhotra N, Poolton JM, Wilson MR, Masters RSW (2012). Cutting Errors in Surgery: Experience Limits Underestimation Bias in a Simulated Surgical Environment. Journal of Surgical Education, 69(4), 473-476.
Bright E, Vine S, Wilson MR, Masters RSW, McGrath JS (2012). Face validity, construct validity and training benefits of a virtual reality turp simulator. International Journal of Surgery, 10(3), 163-166.
Moore LJ, Vine SJ, Cooke A, Ring C, Wilson MR (2012). Quiet eye training expedites motor learning and aids performance under heightened anxiety: the roles of response programming and external attention. Psychophysiology, 49(7), 1005-1015. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wood G, Wilson MR (2012). Quiet-eye training, perceived control and performing under pressure. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 13(6), 721-728. Abstract.
Moore LJ, Vine SJ, Wilson MR, Freeman P (2012). The effect of challenge and threat states on performance: an examination of potential mechanisms. Psychophysiology, 49(10), 1417-1425. Abstract.
Moore LJ, Vine SJ, Wilson MR, Freeman P (2012). The effect of challenge and threat states on performance: an examination of potential mechanisms. Psychophysiology, 49(10), 1417-1425. Abstract.  Author URL.
McGrath JS, Moore L, Wilson MR, Freeman P, Vine S (2011). 'Challenge' and 'threat' states in surgery: implications for surgical performance and training. BJU Int, 108(6), 795-796.  Author URL.
Poolton JM, Wilson MR, Malhotra N, Ngo K, Masters RSW (2011). A comparison of evaluation, time pressure, and multitasking as stressors of psychomotor operative performance. Surgery, 149(6), 776-782. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wilson MR, Poolton JM, Malhotra N, Ngo K, Bright E, Masters RSW (2011). Development and validation of a surgical workload measure: the surgery task load index (SURG-TLX). World J Surg, 35(9), 1961-1969. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wilson MR, Vine SJ, Bright E, Masters RSW, Defriend D, McGrath JS (2011). Gaze training enhances laparoscopic technical skill acquisition and multi-tasking performance: a randomized, controlled study. Surg Endosc, 25(12), 3731-3739. Abstract.  Author URL.
Zhu FF, Poolton JM, Wilson MR, Hu Y, Maxwell JP, Masters RSW (2011). Implicit motor learning promotes neural efficiency during laparoscopy. Surg Endosc, 25(9), 2950-2955. Abstract.  Author URL.
Zhu FF, Poolton JM, Wilson MR, Maxwell JP, Masters RSW (2011). Neural co-activation as a yardstick of implicit motor learning and the propensity for conscious control of movement. Biol Psychol, 87(1), 66-73. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wilson MR, McGrath JS, Vine SJ, Brewer J, Defriend D, Masters RSW (2011). Perceptual impairment and psychomotor control in virtual laparoscopic surgery. Surg Endosc, 25(7), 2268-2274. Abstract.  Author URL.
Vine SJ, Moore LJ, Wilson MR (2011). Quiet eye training facilitates competitive putting performance in elite golfers. Front Psychol, 2 Abstract.  Author URL.
Wood G, Wilson MR (2011). Quiet-eye training for soccer penalty kicks. Cogn Process, 12(3), 257-266. Abstract.  Author URL.
Vine SJ, Wilson MR (2011). The influence of quiet eye training and pressure on attention and visuo-motor control. Acta Psychol (Amst), 136(3), 340-346. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wood G, Wilson MR (2010). A moving goalkeeper distracts penalty takers and impairs shooting accuracy. J Sports Sci, 28(9), 937-946. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wilson M, Coleman M, McGrath J (2010). Developing basic hand-eye coordination skills for laparoscopic surgery using gaze training. BJU Int, 105(10), 1356-1358.  Author URL.
Wood G, Wilson MR (2010). Gaze behaviour and shooting strategies in football penalty kicks: Implications of a 'keeper-dependent approach. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT PSYCHOLOGY, 41(3), 293-312.  Author URL.
Wilson M, McGrath J, Vine S, Brewer J, Defriend D, Masters R (2010). Psychomotor control in a virtual laparoscopic surgery training environment: gaze control parameters differentiate novices from experts. Surg Endosc, 24(10), 2458-2464. Abstract.  Author URL.
Vine SJ, Wilson MR (2010). Quiet Eye Training: Effects on Learning and Performance Under Pressure. JOURNAL OF APPLIED SPORT PSYCHOLOGY, 22(4), 361-376.  Author URL.
Vine SJ, Wilson MR (2010). Quiet eye training: Effects on learning and performance under pressure. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 22(4), 361-376. Abstract.
Wilson MR, Wood G, Vine SJ (2009). Anxiety, Attentional Control, and Performance Impairment in Penalty Kicks. J Sport Exerc Psy, 31(6), 761-775. Abstract.
Wilson MR, Vine SJ, Wood G (2009). The Influence of Anxiety on Visual Attentional Control in Basketball Free Throw Shooting. JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY, 31(2), 152-168.  Author URL.
Wilson MR, Pearcy RC (2009). Visuomotor control of straight and breaking golf putts. Percept Mot Skills, 109(2), 555-562. Abstract.  Author URL.
Marple-Horvat DE, Cooper HL, Gilbey SL, Watson JC, Mehta N, Kaur-Mann D, Wilson M, Keil D (2008). Alcohol badly affects eye movements linked to steering, providing for automatic in-car detection of drink driving. Neuropsychopharmacology, 33(4), 849-858. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wilson M, Chattington M, Marple-Horvat DE (2008). Eye movements drive steering: reduced eye movement distribution impairs steering and driving performance. J Mot Behav, 40(3), 190-202. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wilson M (2008). From processing efficiency to attentional control: a mechanistic account of the anxiety-performance relationship. Int Review Sport Exerc Psychol, 1(2), 184-201. Abstract.
Behan M, Wilson M (2008). State anxiety and visual attention: the role of the quiet eye period in aiming to a far target. J Sports Sci, 26(2), 207-215. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wilson M, Chattington M, Marple-Horvat DE, Smith NC (2007). A comparison of self-focus versus attentional explanations of choking. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 29(4), 439-456. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wilson M, Smith NC (2007). A test of the predictions of processing efficiency theory during elite team competition using the Thought Occurrence Questionnaire for Sport. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT PSYCHOLOGY, 38(3), 245-262.  Author URL.
Wilson M, Stephenson S, Chattington M, Marple-Horvat DE (2007). Eye movements coordinated with steering benefit performance even when vision is denied. Exp Brain Res, 176(3), 397-412. Abstract.  Author URL.
Chattington M, Wilson M, Ashford D, Marple-Horvat DE (2007). Eye-steering coordination in natural driving. Exp Brain Res, 180(1), 1-14. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wilson M, Smith NC, Holmes PS (2007). The role of effort in influencing the effect of anxiety on performance: testing the conflicting predictions of processing efficiency theory and the conscious processing hypothesis. Br J Psychol, 98(Pt 3), 411-428. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wilson M, Smith NC, Chattington M, Ford M, Marple-Horvat DE (2006). The role of effort in moderating the anxiety-performance relationship: Testing the prediction of processing efficiency theory in simulated rally driving. J Sports Sci, 24(11), 1223-1233. Abstract.  Author URL.
Marple-Horvat DE, Chattington M, Anglesea M, Ashford DG, Wilson M, Keil D (2005). Prevention of coordinated eye movements and steering impairs driving performance. EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH, 163(4), 411-420.  Author URL.


Kelly AL, Wilson MR, Wood G (2023). Tactical: Measuring and developing tactical knowledge and performance in youth soccer players. In  (Ed) Talent Identification and Development in Youth Soccer: a Guide for Researchers and Practitioners, 34-46.
Harris DJ, Wilson MR, Holmes T, de Burgh T, Vine SJ (2022). Eye Movements in Sports Research and Practice: Immersive Technologies as Optimal Environments for the Study of Gaze Behavior. In  (Ed) Neuromethods, Springer US, 207-221.
Moore LJ, Vine SJ, Wilson MR (2021). Attention and visuomotor performance under pressure. In  (Ed) Stress, Well-Being, and Performance in Sport, 113-130.
Crowe E, Wilson M, Harris D, Vine S (2020). Eye tracking and cardiovascular measurement to assess and improve sporting performance. In  (Ed) Advancements in Mental Skills Training, Routledge, 135-148.
Crowe EM, Wilson MR, Harris DJ, Vine SJ (2020). Eye tracking and cardiovascular measurement to assess and improve sporting performance. In  (Ed) Advancements in Mental Skills Training, Taylor & Francis, 135-148.
Eysenck MW, Wilson MR (2016). Sporting performance, pressure and cognition: Introducing Attentional Control Theory: Sport. In Groome D, Eysenck MW (Eds.) An Introduction to Applied Cognitive Psychology, Abingdon: Psychology Press, 329-350. Abstract.
Wilson MR, Causer J, Vickers JN (2015). AIMING FOR EXCELLENCE: the quiet eye as a characteristic of expertise. In  (Ed) Routledge Handbook of Sport Expertise, 22-37. Abstract.
Wilson MR (2012). Anxiety: Attention, the brain, the body and performance. In Murphy S (Ed) Handbook of Sport and Performance Psychology, New York: Oxford University Press, 173-190. Abstract.
Wilson MR, Richards H (2011). 23 Putting it together skills for pressure performance. In  (Ed) Performance Psychology, Elsevier, 337-360.
Wilson MR, Richards H (2010). Putting it together: skills for pressure performance. In Collins D, Button A, Richards H (Eds.) Performance psychology, Edinburgh, UK: Elsevier, 333-356.
Wilson MR, Vine SJ (2009). Performing under pressure: Attentional control and the suppression of vision in basketball free-throw shooting. In Chang CH (Ed) Handbook of Sport Psychology, Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 277-296. Abstract.


Buckingham G, Allen K, Vine SJ, Harris DJ, Wood G, Tsaneva-Atanasova K, Wilson MR (2019). Investigating How Prior Knowledge Influences Perception and Action in Developmental Coordination Disorder.  Author URL.


Wilson M, Byrne C, Eston R (2011). Recommendations for Developing the Game of Rugby Union (U7 – U18). Rugby Football Development Ltd, Rugby Football Union., Rugby Football Union. Abstract.

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External Engagement and Impact

Awards/Honorary fellowships

2022     Adjunct Professor, Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2010     Honorary Associate Professor in skill acquisition, School of Public Health, University of Hong Kong.

2010     UK-China Fellowship for Excellence; Department of Business, Innovation and Skills, UK.

2008     Philip Read Memorial Award for Recently Qualified Researcher in Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES)

Professional Memberships

2009-current           Registered Sport and Exercise Psychologist with the Health & Care Professions Council of Practitioner Psychologists

2007-current            British Psychological Society: Chartered Psychologist and member of the Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology

2004-2014                 British Association of Sport and Exercise Scientists: Accredited Sport Scientist: Psychology Support

Committee/panel activities

British Psychological Society (BPS): Chartered Psychologist and member of the Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology (since 2007).

Registered Sport and Exercise Psychologist with the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC) of Practitioner Psychologists (since 2009).

Member of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Peer Review College (since 2010).

Editorial responsibilities

2018 – current        Psychology of Sport and Exercise (Editorial Board)

2016 - 2017              Guest co-editor (with Prof Vince Walsh) for two volumes of Progress in Brain Research: ‘Sport and the Brain: The science of preparing, enduring and winning.’

2015 – 2016            Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology (Associate Editor)

2013 – 2022            European Journal of Sports Sciences (Section Editor / Associate Editor)

2012 – 2021            Journal of Motor Learning and Development (Editorial Board)

2010 – 2018            Frontiers in Movement Science and Sport Psychology (Associate Editor)

External Examiner Positions

2019                     Brunel University 5 year programme review (sport science UGT and PGT)

2017-2019         Manchester Metropolitan University, Distance Learning Sport & Exercise Science (UGT)

2007-2012        Staffordshire University, Sport and Coaching Science (UGT).

Evidence of impact on policy and professional practice

As an applied scientist, the non-academic impact of my work is an important outcome. My research team’s impact activities were collated as one of three 4* impact case studies for SHS’s REF2021 submission. This impact case study reflected the breadth of impact we have achieved by translating our gaze training research in sport (via EIS support of GB pentathlon – who secured double gold medals in Japan 2021); to surgery (providing training at national curriculum level for urologists); to elite military operators (changing the training delivery of room clearance tasks); to children with dyspraxia

(see; to work in industry undertaken with spin out company Cineon Training (

External doctoral examining nationally and internationally

PhD Examinations (7 international, 9 national)

2019. Ellmers, T. Brunel University, London, UK.

2019. Brock, K. University of Winchester, UK.

2018. Gallichio, G. University of Birmingham, UK.

2017. Shi, X. University of Birmingham, UK.

2017. Wood, A. Staffordshire University, UK.

2016. Cock, A. Brunel University London, UK.

2015. Sarpeshkar, V. (2015). University of Queensland, Australia.

2015. Renden, P. VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

2015. Hadnett, V. University of Bangor, UK.

2014. Nibbeling, N. VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

2013. Turner, M. Staffordshire University, UK.

2013. Ruggerio, M. Curtin University, Western Australia, Australia.

2013. Tsie, A. University of Hong Kong, SAR China.

2012. Nieuwenhuys, A. VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

2010. Cooke, A. University of Birmingham, UK.

2010. Binsch, O. VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

External positions

2023-current     Academic Advisory Board of Cineon Training Ltd.

2019-current     Member of Immersive Healthcare Collaboration

2017-current     Member of GW4 community, Understanding occupational stress: Performance, health, and well-being in high pressure environments.

2010-current     Member of the Economic and Social Research Council Peer Review College

Invited lectures & workshops

2021. Women in leadership conference. Devon & Cornwall Police, UK (online)

2021. Simulation and Patient Safety Programme, Torbay Hospital, Devon, (Annually since 2014).

2020.  School of Applied Sciences, London South Bank University, UK.

2018. Asian-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology (ASPASP) International Congress, Daegu, South Korea.

2018. Department of Health, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands.

2018. Trustee meeting, The Waterloo Foundation. Cardiff, UK.

2018. Exeter Sports Medicine Conference, Sandy Park, Exeter, UK.

2018. Commando Training Center, Lympstone, UK.

2016. Perception and Motion Analysis Group, Psychology, Oxford Brookes University.

2016. Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong

2016. School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences, University of Queensland, Australia

2016. Sport Sciences College, Beijing Sport University, China.

2015. New Zealand Medical Sciences Congress 2015, Queenstown, New Zealand.

2015. International Sports Science and Sports Medicine conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

2014. Cognition and Neuroscience Research Group, Brunel University, London, UK.

2014. School of Sport, Health & Exercise Sciences, Bangor University, UK.

2014. Faculty of Human Movement Sciences, VU University Amsterdam. The Netherlands

2014. Institute of Sport Science, University of Bern’s Winter Academy Symposium, Switzerland.

2013. InterACTs (International Archery Coaching and Training Seminar), Brussels, Belgium.

2012. Institute of Sport, Physical Education, and Health Sciences, University of Edinburgh, UK.

2012. Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of Chichester, UK.

2011. Australasian Skill Acquisition Research Group Conference, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

2010. Institute of Human Performance, University of Hong Kong, SAR China.

2009. Southwest Laparoscopic Masterclass, LapCo, Plymouth, UK.

2009. School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK. 

Media Coverage

2014: Stress and penalty shootouts. (5-Live’s, The ultimate guide to World Cup penalty shootouts)

2013: Developing mini-rugby

2012: Surgery robotics

2011: Gaze-training in surgery,28804,2101344_2101330_2101341,00.html

2010:  Putting with a quiet eye

2010:  Why England lose on penalties.

2006: Distractions while driving with a Sat Nav.

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Information not currently available

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Supervision / Group

Postdoctoral researchers

  • Tom Arthur (2022-2024) unded by a combination of Defence Science Technology Laboratory research grants), Cineon Training Ltd., and an ISSF Wellcome grant.
  • E. Bright (2010-2011) Exeter Surgical Health Services Research Unit (with Mr. J. McGrath).
  • C. Capio (2013-2014) University of Hong Kong. Funded by RGC (with Prof R.S.W. Masters).
  • T. Dutton (2011-2012) Dutton, T. Exeter Surgical Health Services Research Unit (with Mr. J. McGrath).
  • Toby Ellmers (2020-2021) Funded by an ESRC SWDTP Fellowship.
  • David Harris (2022-2025) Funded by Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship.
  • David Harris (2021-2022) Funded by Defence Science Technology Laboratory via research grants.
  • David Harris (2018-2020) Funded by Royal Academy of Engineering and UK Intelligence Community Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Award.
  • David Harris (2017-2018) Funded by Defence Science Technology Laboratory via research grants).
  • David Harris (2016-2017) Funded by an Intuitive Surgical Ltd. research grant.
  • Sadie Hollins (2014-15) Funded by a research grant from the Football Association (Grassroots).
  • Amy Maslivec (2018) Brunel University. Funded by Parkinson’s UK (with Dr Will Young).
  • Lee Moore (2013-2014) Funded by research grants from Intuitive Surgical / DHCSTC
  • Dr Takayuki Murayama (2014-15) Visiting Fellow from Kanazawa University
  • Harry Ramsey (2023-2025) Funded by University of Exeter.
  • Yuri Russo (2021-2024) Funded by a Parkinson’s UK research grant.
  • L. Uiga (2012) Funded by Innovation Fund / FlyBE.
  • Dr Greg Wood (2012-2013) Funded by The Waterloo Foundation.

Postgraduate researchers

  • Mayowa Olonilua - 2019-2025 - Examining the relationship between presence, cognitive load, and training outcomes in Military Virtual Reality Training systems.
  • Chloe Wang - 2022-2026 - Sensorimotor weighting in balance.
  • Jiaxi Ye - 2021-2025 - The influence of anxiety and visual search on freezing of gait in Parkinson’s Disease.


  • Tom Arthur (2022) Perceptual and motor deficits in Autistic Spectrum Disorder. University of Bath / University of Exeter.Post-doctoral research associate in our research group.
  • Brad Cooper (2019)The variability and optimization of mental toughness. University of Exeter CEO of Catalyst Coaching.
  • Manu Ducrocq (2018) Understanding the neurocognitive mechanisms of sports performance under pressure through cognitive training. Birkbeck College, University of London. Post doctoral researcher at Birkbeck College.
  • David Harris (2018) Attentional control and flow states in sport. University of Exeter. Senior Research Fellow at University of Exeter.
  • Adam Kelly (2018) A multi-dimensional exploration of talent in a Football Academy. University of Exeter. Senior lecturer at Birmingham City University.
  • Don Lee (2015) A critical analysis of the quiet eye in golf putting. University of Exeter.
  • Dr Neha Malhotra (2014) Exploring the role of movement specific reinvestment in learning and performing tasks of varying complexity. University of Hong Kong. Applied sport psychologist at Singapore Institute of Sport.
  • Dr Charlotte (Lottie) Miles (2014) Quiet eye, sporting ability and movement clumsiness. University of Exeter. Working in industry.
  • Dr Lee Moore (2014) The role of challenge and threat evaluations in the performance of visuomotor skills under pressure. University of Exeter. Senior lecturer at University of Bath.
  • Midhun Parakkal Unni (2022) Parkinson's disease and motor dysfunction - Advanced mathematical modelling and data analysis for personalized clinical applications. University of Exeter.VP Technology (Research
  • Katie Payne (2019) Quiet eye as a measure of attentional control. University of Exeter. Sports development officer at Team Bath.
  • Nadine Sammy (2018) Helping athletes meet the challenge: Determinants of challenge and threat responses. University of Exeter. Sport psychologist in Trinidad and Tobago.
  • Guoxiao Sun (2017) Attentional control and visuomotor performance. Beijing Sports University. Lecturer at Shandong University.
  • Scott Swainston (2023) Player experience in the academy to first team transition in professional football. University of Exeter. Sporting director for a Swedish football club.
  • Dr Gethin Thomas (2013) Introducing children to rugby: Shaping the Game. University of Exeter. Senior lecturer at Cardiff Met University.
  • Liis Uiga (2017) Cognitive control processes during balance and locomotion: Walking an attentional tightrope! University of Hong Kong. Lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University.
  • Professor Sam Vine (2010) Attention, anxiety and performance variability in visuomotor skills. University of Exeter. Professor at University of Exeter.
  • Axel Vitterso (2020) The role of sensorimotor incongruence in pathological pain. University of Bath / University of Exeter. Associate professor in cognitive psychology (Oslo Nye Hoyskole).
  • Rosanna Walters-Symons (2017) Quiet eye, attentional control and performance. University of Exeter. Lecturer at Plymouth Marjons University.
  • Dr Greg Wood (2011) Anxiety, attention and penalty kick performance. University of Exeter. Senior lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University.

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