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Sport, Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

Student-Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC)

We are committed to enabling all students to communicate their views and to receiving suggestions to influence changes to our policies and procedures.

Sport and Health Sciences has an undergraduate and postgraduate Student-Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC), which gives you the opportunity to voice your opinions about studying with us and to comment on a wide range of issues and possible developments.

How does the SSLC work?

The SSLC is presided over by a Subject Officer (a student elected by the Students’ Guild) and composed of elected student representatives from each year and programme and appropriate staff representatives. Training for Subject Officers is provided by either the Students’ Guild or FXU depending on whether you are based in Cornwall or Exeter. A standard agenda is provided by the Taught Faculty, and minute-taking is provided by the discipline Administrator.

» Code of Good Practice for SSLCs

How do I become a representative?

If you are interested in becoming a representative for the UG SSLC please sign up to volunteer through the Students' Guild website

How do I contact the SSLC?

For more information on academic representation and to contact your SSLC rep, visit the Students' Guild website.